Scope of Work:
For 50 years now we have designed and fabricated a range of agricultural machinery.
Starting off with our silage wagon, the “Kanga Cart” which won an Australian Design Award and then going into silage wrappers, V-Rakes and super spreaders.
We then set our mind to our 2 bale feeders which would be the most common item we made with distributors all over Australia.
For several years we designed and fabricated rotary dairies that got sent all over the world also.
Other agricultural machinery we have built over the years are potato harvesters, drain diggers, cattle trailers, fuel bousers an super spreaders just to name a few.
To this day we are still designing a fabricating new machines with the latest being a potato feeder for a client who came to us with a problem on feeding his cows whole potatoes to which we came up with the answer for him.